"Write It!" TGHT Newsletter August 12, 2024 🦋


Welcome to the August 12, 2024 edition of our newsletter. The TGHT newsletters are now weekly-ish to give you the tips, hacks, and inspiration you need for your healthy RV lifestyle! (plus Ms D has a lot to say LOL!)

But seriously, there is so much going on here at The Gentle Healthy Traveler that we are just hopping up and down and bursting at the seams to tell you all about it! You will still get all the best TGHT content put out on YouTube and at thegentletraveler.com as well as special offers and so much more, all delivered right to your email address. For daily doses of Healthy RV Living tips, hacks, and inspirations (also "Bunny Breaks") be sure to subscribe to my channel on YouTube so you will get all our shorts and posts as well! They are guaranteed to always put a smile on your face :)

PS - Be sure to put us in your contacts so they don't go into spam! If you are new to The Gentle Healthy Traveler, click HERE for a quick introduction.

"Write It"


I was so excited recently to take a “mini trip” to the Oceanside Harbor for three days and two nights of boat-gawking, beach walking, and just lazing around in general. Plus, where I usually stay at the harbor, they have a little-known $15 overnight fee, which makes it –hand’s down–the cheapest beach camping you’ll ever find around SoCal! Check out this video to learn more about that!


The trip was set to be my little slice of heaven….until….


Have you been just truckin’ along with your day– maybe it’s an ordinary day or maybe you’re doing something that is really exciting for you– and then wham-O. Life throws you a curve ball that bops you right on the noggin and pushes you out of your happy place.


Well, that was basically what happened on this trip. First, the weather turned from cool and breezy to hot and humid literally overnight. Then the generator went on the fritz...or maybe it was the electrical system? Either way, there was no A/C and no outlets to charge my laptop or anything else for that matter. Ms. D was hyperventilating and I was miserable. Instead of feeling the sand beneath my toes, I was instead feeling around in the greasy innards of the RV’s wiring system trying to figure out what the heck was going on.


I think when things happen like the above, it is normal to go into either despair or total panic for at least a few minutes. The heart sinks, your dreams of sunning yourself on the sand are suddenly dashed, and, just to be dramatic, maybe you even wind up re-evaluate your whole life.


For me in general these days, I let those feelings rip for about 3 minutes. Then I take action. I have learned that if I don’t, the downer vibe only gets deeper and winds up staying with me for the whole day, and sometimes the whole week, month, or entire season. Yep, that’s happened.

Most of the time, "action" takes the form of my hand on a pen pointed at a blank page in a cheesy spiral notebook. I sit down on the couch, on the high stool that looks out the RV window, or outside on the fold-out lawn chair. I sigh. Then I begin to write. On this day particular day, these were the exact words I wrote to start out with:

“What a load of crap.”


Honest writing, yes, but admittedly, not very poetic. Then again, journalling isn’t supposed to be literature. That is because no one else ever has to see those pages if you don’t want them to.


The old adage “better out than in” is true and is also the main reason why journalling can be so cathartic and also so healing.


In fact, journalling has been proven to work—and work well—for helping you get to a calmer, more focused place pretty quickly. The initial problem may not be solved (i.e. I still had a generator that didn't work and I was sweating buckets), but it can definitely lower stress (BUT I felt calmer after just 5 minutes of scribbling). And lowering stress is a very good thing for your overall physical and mental health!


A study sponsored in part by Pennsylvania State University found that those who wrote their emotions down on paper had less anxiety. Other studies found that journalling can help:


-lower PTSD,

-lift depression,

-help with insomnia,

-curb cravings for sugar, alcohol, or drugs,

-boost the immune system.


And, of course, journaling is also a great way to talk to God. My back and forth with “The Family” (as I like to call Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), usually begins like this:


“Hiya. I feel yucky right now. Help!”


And inevitably they do, in a million and one ways. But that, of course, is a topic for another time…


Happy Scribbling!


See You on the Road,


Nikki P. (and Ms D)


Now You Try It:


The next time you are stressed about something, get out a pen or pencil and a notebook or just a piece of paper (even the back of a napkin will do). Start by saying “I feel….” and take it from there. Don’t censor or edit what you write but DO give yourself at least 5 minutes to write down whatever comes to mind. Whether it’s a subtle shift in energy or a big “aha” moment about the problem at hand, you are sure to be amazed at the results!





Do you want to write a book but don't know where to start? Contact me today at nikki@thegentletraveler.com. PS I have helped over a dozen people get their words on paper for publication and I bet I can help you do the same! Reach out today!



DISCLAIMER: The videos, articles, and blogs created by Nikki Lyn Pugh, MFA, INHC (aka The Gentle Healthy Traveler) are for entertainment purposes only. They are not meant to diagnose or prescribe. Please see your regular physician or natural health professional.



from The Gentle Healthy Traveler on YouTube

I decided to turn that bummer day at the beach into an RV DIY video! Here's the play-by-play on the generator issue...

Discover more videos on The Gentle Healthy Traveler YouTube Channel!:


New! New! Check out our new Etsy Store! And our first project, the adorable "Pray Drive" mug, which features Ms D of course. It's the perfect gift for that special someone!




Are you concerned about harmful EMFs and electropollution when you are on the road? Get full-time protection with a Q Link Pendant. Click below to learn more:

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PO Box 1825, Pine, AZ 85544
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The Gentle Healthy Traveler

Hi, I'm health coach Nikki Lyn Pugh! Join Ms D (my bun bun and fellow traveling partner) and I as we offer tips, hacks, and inspirations to make fulltime RVing more healthy and fun!

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