"Step Into Me" 🙏TGHT Newsletter July 29, 2024 🦋


Welcome to the July 29, 2024 edition of our newsletter. The TGHT newsletters are now weekly to give you the tips, hacks, and inspiration you need for your healthy RV lifestyle! (plus Ms D has a lot to say LOL!)

But seriously, there is so much going on here at The Gentle Healthy Traveler that we are just hopping up and down and bursting at the seams to tell you all about it! You will still get all the best TGHT content put out on YouTube and at thegentletraveler.com as well as special offers and so much more, all delivered right to your email address. For daily doses of Healthy RV Living tips, hacks, and inspirations (also "Bunny Breaks") be sure to subscribe to my channel on YouTube so you will get all our shorts and posts as well! They are guaranteed to always put a smile on your face :)

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"Step Into Me"

So, there I was again, worrying over all kinds of things. Maybe you can relate. Early morning waking up with anxious thoughts…What do I do about this? How can I manage that? Health, relationships, but mostly for me lately it has been around finances.

The usual. Nothing new. Except…

Sometimes when I remember, I sit down with a pen and my little journal. In the cool of the morning, with a hot cup of joe in my hand, I asked the question.

Yeshua, what do I do?

This time, the reply came instantly….”Step into me.” (John 15:4, James 4:8, Revelation 3:20)

The answer…can I just be honest here?… annoyed me. I mean, I am looking for practical solutions here, God! What do you mean “step into me”? The words were abstract. Nonsensical. Maybe I wasn’t hearing right.

Nevertheless, I decided to go for a walk and try the advice on for size. After all, what have I got to lose?

“Step into me,” the Family had said. Okay, I was going to commit to it, even though I had no idea what it meant. Still, with each movement my foot made, I committed to practice stepping into the light and love of the True Family of God (*Abba, Ruach, Yeshua).

The backyard of my parents’ house, where I have stayed most months over the past 2 years, is a literal oasis of garden vegetables, hanging vines, flower blooms, and succulents. This precious land has been my oasis too in the middle of the noisy, crowded city. I shuffled out to the “north forty,” i.e. the far end of the yard where my mother used to have her succulent planting operation. Now it’s a small patch of woodchip-covered earth surrounded by cinder block flower patches waiting for its next manifestation.

In the entryway to this little area is an iron archway surrounded by magenta-colored bougainvillea vines. And nestled in between two paper-thin leaves was what appeared to be a small butterfly.

From my vantage point, it was nothing special, just a muddy brown thing with pale yellow spots peppered here and there. It was nothing to look at really. Except that I suddenly got the urge to talk to it.

Instantly, my inner critic piped up with a snort: “What if someone hears you?”

Well, here I am alone at the far end of my parents’ backyard, I reasoned. Unless someone is peering through the fence (and if they are, I don’t want to know about it), it is safe to say that no one will hear.

“Wow, look at you!” I began, directing my words to the plain, little butterfly. “Aren’t you gorgeous! What a beauty!”

“How handsome you are,” I continued, using both male and female descriptors since, honestly, I didn’t know if this creature was male or female. I figured, why not cover all the bases?

“You are a beauty! How handsome you are!” And so on.

Then something amazing happened! It was as if that tiny butterfly was listening to my words of praise. And not only that, she (or he) seemed to be soaking them up!

Suddenly, he (or she) stopped flittering about and became still. As I continued oozing out verbal accolades, the edges of the creature’s wings curled outward in a display of brilliant color. I realized then that this was no Plain Jane (or James) butterfly. Iridescent rusts, deep blacks, brilliant blues, and creamy yellows shimmered back at me as the butterfly displayed its colors in response to my loving words.

The next words, however, I heard inside and this time, I understood them clearly: “When you ‘step into me’ (i.e. into the love, peace and frequency of God), all creation responds in miraculous ways.” (Colossians 1:16-17)

— — —

Here is the bottom line. The way I see it, we really have no idea how we can the affect people and situations around us when we simply step into the beautiful energy of the True Family of God. We are created beings and, since we are made in the image of Yahweh, we are also meant to be stewards of all creation down here on earth. This means physical matter, energy flows, basically the whole enchilada!

Whether we are talking about a butterfly or a single thought, interacting with the created as we also walk within the love and safety of the True Family of God can (and often does) lead to some pretty amazing blessings for ourselves …and, most miraculously, also for others!

For this week, I encourage you to pray, reflect, and journal about what was said in this mini-essay. What are you feeling grateful for today? How can how you percieve yourself and your current situation affect the people and things around you?

May you "travel gently, live healthy, and be blessed" today and every day!

See you on the road,

Nikki P. (and Ms D)

*Abba, Ruach, Yeshua is another name for Father, Son, Holy Spirit. I also sometimes use “True Family,” “Family of God” or just the “Family to indicate the Trinity or God.


Are You a Faith-Based Person Ready to Heal from Trauma? If so, please email Transformations: Becoming Who You Are founder Adena Hodges at adena.hodges@gmail.com to learn more.


DISCLAIMER: The videos, articles, and blogs created by Nikki Lyn Pugh, MFA, INHC (aka The Gentle Healthy Traveler) are for entertainment purposes only. They are not meant to diagnose or prescribe. Please see your regular physician or natural health professional.


from The Gentle Healthy Traveler on YouTube

How I Beat Anxiety, Part 2: A Faith-Based Tool for Moving Past Overwhelm & Being More Productive (and Happier) Every Day!

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New! New! Check out our new Etsy Store! And our first project, the adorable "Pray Drive" mug, which features Ms D of course. It's the perfect gift for that special someone!



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The Gentle Healthy Traveler

Hi, I'm health coach Nikki Lyn Pugh! Join Ms D (my bun bun and fellow traveling partner) and I as we offer tips, hacks, and inspirations to make fulltime RVing more healthy and fun!

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